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1 min read
Triton (Τριτων)
Translation: Of the Third Minor God of the Sea Triton was the sea-god son of Poseidon, and considered the price of the sea, being second...

1 min read
Muses (Μουσα)
Roman Name: Musae Translation: Of Song Goddess of Literature, Science and Arts The Muses were Zeus daughter goddess of music, song and...

1 min read
Enyo (Ενυω)
Roman Name: Bellona Translation: Warlike The Minor Goddess of War Enyo is the personification of war, she is the female counterpart to...

1 min read
Dike (Δικη)
Roman Name: Justicia Translation: Justice Goddess of Justice, Fair Judgment and Rights Dike was one of the Hori, and as the goddess of...

1 min read
The Charites (Χαριτες)
Translation: Beauty The Charities of Beauty Collectively they are the charities, who symbolize youth, beauty, grase, play, amusement,...

1 min read
Hebe (Ἡβη)
Roman Name: Juventas Translation: Youth Goddess of Youth and Cupbearer Hebe is the daughter of Zeus and Hera, she was the goddess of...

1 min read
Hermes (Ἑρμης)
Roman Name: Mercury Translation: Mercury God of Travelers and Thieves Hermes was the god of many things such as herds and flocks,...

1 min read
Artemis (Αρτεμις)
Roman Name: Diana Translation: Butcher Goddess of the Hunt Artemis is the goddess of hunting and the wild. She's known as Apollo's twin;...

2 min read
Hephaestus (Ἡφαιστος)
Roman Name: Vulcan Translation: Volcanos God of Blacksmithing Hephaestus is the god of ire, smiths, craftsmen, metalworking, stonemasonry...

2 min read
Persephone (Περσεφονη)
Roman Name: Proserpina Translation: Destroy-Slay Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld Persephone is the Queen of the underworld...

2 min read
Ares (Αρης)
Roman Name: Mars God of Bloodlust War Aries is the God of bloodlust, courage, and war. He is the Son of Zeus and Hera and the not so...

1 min read
Dionysus (Διονυσος)
Translation: “Zeus-limp” Roman name: Bacchus God of Winemaking and Maddening Festivity Dionysus is described as two very different...

1 min read
Apollo (Απολλων)
Translation: destroyer Roman Name: Phoebus God of Prophecy, Music and Archery Apollo is the god of Prophecy and oracles, music, songs and...

1 min read
Athena (Αθηνη)
Roman Name: Minerva Goddess of Wisdom and Strategic War. Athena is the Olympian Goddess of Wisdom, Good Council, Strategic War, Heroism,...

2 min read
Aphrodite (Αφροδιτη)
Translation: Venus Goddess of Love and Beauty Aphrodite is the Goddess of love and beauty along with pleasure and procreation. She is...

5 min read
Zeus (Ζευς)
Translation: Jupiter Heavenly King of the Gods Zeus is the king of the gods, as he is the ruling successor of Kronus. Zeus is the god of...

2 min read
Hera (Ἡρη)
Translation Juno Queen of the Heavens and the Gods Hera was the Queen of the Gods, and the goddess of marriage, women, and the stars of...

3 min read
Demeter (Δημήτηρ)
Translation: Ceres Goddess of Agriculture Demeter is the goddess who maintained humans all year long with their harvest and good...

4 min read
Hades (Ἁιδης)
Roman Name: Pluto Translation: The Unseen King of The Underworld and God of the Dead Hades is the king of the underworld and the god of...

1 min read
Poseidon (Ποσειδων)
Translation: Neptune God and King of the Sea Poseidon is the King of the sea and one of the Great Olympian Gods. He is also the god of...
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