Translation: Of the Third
Minor God of the Sea
Triton was the sea-god son of Poseidon, and considered the price of the sea, being second hand to Poseidon. He is described to have a fish like tail reflecting that somewhat or a merman, he is also depicted sometimes with a beard but most times as a youthful man in his 20s. Like the old king of the sea, he is also depicted with crab claw-like horns. In myth Triton is known to be helpful, like when he led the Argonauts back to sea when they were stranded in the desert.
Family; Tritons parents were Poseidon and Amphitrite. Siblings of Triton include Kymopoleia, Rhode, Benthesicyme, Proteus, The Six Daimones and Bellerophon. Triton had two children to Libya, there names are Triteia, and Pallas

Tributes; The most famous symbol of Triton is the conch shell, as he owns a conch shell trumpet.