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1 min read
The Sirens (Σειρήν)
Transaction: Entwiner Seductive Killers of Sailor Men The sirens are as we know them in modern days, they are three sea-nymphs who lured...

1 min read
Scylla (Σκυλλα)
Translation: Tear Ship Wrecking Rocks in the Whirlpool Skylla was not a god, but a sea-monster. She was known to haunt the sharp and...

3 min read
Gorgons (Γοργονες)
Translation: Terrible Snake-Haired Women The three gorgons are considered incredibly powerful monsters, their names are Sthenno, Euryale,...

1 min read
Typhon (Τυφωευς)
Translation: Hurricane Storm Giant Typhon was a monster, son of Tartarus. He was a giant and a monster of a storm, poets described him as...

1 min read
The Hesperides (Ἑσπεριδες)
Roman Name: Hesperides Translation: Of the Evening Evening Light The Hesperides are the goddess / nymphs who are the personification of...

1 min read
Aether (Αιθηρ)
Translation: Bright Upper-Air Bright Blue Mist of the Heavens Aether is the embodiment of the day-time sky, the replacement for his...

1 min read
Hemera (Ἡμερα)
Roman Name: Dies Translation: Day Goddess of the Day Herema is the personification of the Day, she is also the sister and wife of Aether...

1 min read
Charon (Χαρων)
Translation: Fierce Brightness Ferryman of the Dead Most Terrifying Monster in All of Greek Mythology Charon is a child of Nyx and...

2 min read
The Moirai (Μοιραι) (Klotho, Lakhesis, and Atropos)
Roman Name: Fatum (Nona, Decuma and Morta) Translation: Fates The Fates of Time The Moirai, or by their better known name, the fates, are...

3 min read
Eris (Ερις)
Roman Name: Discordia Translation: Strife Discord Eris is their personification of discord, strife, rivalry, competitiveness, and...

1 min read
Apate (Απατη)
Roman Name: Fraus Translation: Deceit The Personification of Deceit Apate is the embodiment of deceit, but with that also comes fraud,...

1 min read
Philotes (Φιλοτης)
Roman Name: Amicitia Translation: Friendship Affection Philotes is the embodiment of friendships and affection shared between others, and...

1 min read
Nemesis (Νεμεσις)
Roman Name: Nemesis Translation: Dispenser of Dues. Karma Nemesis is the personification of dues, for those who have done bad or good,...

1 min read
Oizys (Οιζυς)
Roman Name: Translation: Misery The Miserable Oizys is the personification of misery, anxiety, depression, distress, and suffering. She...

1 min read
Geras (Γηρας)
Roman Name: Senectus Translation: Old Age Personification of Old Age Geras was resented by everyone, he didn't just represent old age,...

1 min read
The Oneiroi (Ονειροι)
Roman Name: Somnium Translation: Dream Dreams of the Night The Oneiroi are described to be bat-like, small and winged dark spirits of the...

1 min read
Hypnos (Ὑπνος)
Roman Name: Somnus Translation: Sleep Sleep Hypnos is the personification of sleep, and in sleep he dwells in his fathers Erebus' realm...

1 min read
Momus (Μωμος)
Roman Name: Querella Translation: Mockery/Blame The Cruel Criticism of Men Momos was the personification of all forms of mean words, such...

2 min read
Thanatos (Θανατος)
Roman Name: Mors Translation: Death Spirit of Non-Violent Death Thanatos is the spirit of man's non-violent death, such as dying of old...

1 min read
Ker(s) (Κηρ/Κηρες)
Roman Name: Tenebrae Translation: Death Violent Death Spirit(s) Ker was often either one person or a group of female spirits who are the...
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