Roman Name: Querella
Translation: Mockery/Blame
The Cruel Criticism of Men
Momos was the personification of all forms of mean words, such as mockery, blame, ridicule, scorn, complaint, and harsh criticism. He was known himself to always have something nasty to say about everyone around him no matter who they were, even to the point of ridiculing the Gods so much to being thrown out of Olympus. Many men who judge are influenced by the one and only Momus. Although he did have an opposite, Eupheme who was the personification of Praise.
Family Ties; Momus' Mother and Father are Nyx and Erebus, with many siblings such as Aether, Hemera, Ker(es), Moros, Hypnos, The Oneiroi, Thanatos, Geras, Oizys, Nemesis, Philotes, Apate, Eris, The Moirai, and The Hesperides.

Tributes; Is usually symbolized and depicted as a man lifting a mask from his face, and in more modern times, he's shown in roles such as the fool/King's Jester.