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1 min read
Phoebe (Φοιβη)
Translation: Bright The Titan Goddess of Bright Intellect Phoebe was the Titaness of Intelligence and intellect, who worked perfectly...

1 min read
Coeus (Κοιος)
Translation: Query Titan of asking Questions Coeus is the pillar of the north, who held one of Uranus arms, as he helped Kronus castrate...

1 min read
Mnemosyne (Μνημοσυνη)
Translation: Memory Inventor of Language Mnemosyne is the Titan of Memory and she was the creator of language, words, Speaking and...

1 min read
Iapetus (Ιαπετος)
Translation: Wound The Wounding Pillar of the West Iapetus was one of the elder brothers who assisted Kronus in defeating Uranus, as he...

3 min read
Rhea (Ρεια)
Roman Name: Ops Translation: Flow Motherhood Rhea is the Titaness of fertility, motherhood, pregnancy, and menstruation, her name 'Flow,...

1 min read
Oceanus (Ωκεανος)
Translation: River Ocean River Okeanos Oceanus is the titan of all the fresh waters of the world, this includes the Rivers, wells,...

1 min read
Tethys (Τηθυς)
Translation: Nurse Nourisher of the Earth Tethys is the titaness of freshwater, thus she was known to nourish life (Gaia, Earth) and...

1 min read
Hyperion (Ὑπεριων)
Translation; He who Goes Above Heavenly Light who Watches from Above Hyperion is one of the brother Titans and the father of the lights...

4 min read
Themis (Θεμις)
Translation: Divine Law, Custom Titaness of Rules Themis was the titan of law, rules, order, customs and tradition, she was the one who...

1 min read
Crius (Κριος)
Translation: Ram The Ram Crius was a part of the older generation of Titans, as a big brother for the rest of the titans, he was heavily...

5 min read
Kronus (Κρονος)
Roman Name: Saturnus Translation: Time King of the Titans Kronus was the king of the Titans, the second generation of gods. He was the...

2 min read
The Gigantes (Γιγαντες)
Translation: Earth-Born The Giants The Gigantes were a tribe of giants born from Gaia. It's said that she got pregnant from when Cronos...

1 min read
The Meliae (Μελιαι)
Translation: Ash-Tree, Honey The Ash-Tree Nymphs The Meliai are a group of nymphs of the Mountain Ash-Trees, born from when Uranus was...

1 min read
The Hecatoncheires (Ἑκατονχειρες)
Translation: Hundred-Handed The Great Hundred Handed Monsters The Hecatonchires were giant monsters, who had one hundred hands and fifty...

1 min read
The Erinyes (Ερινύες)
Roman Name: Furia Translation: Dark and Murky Punisher of Men The Erinyes where three goddesses, Alecto (Αληκτω, Unceasing), Megaera...

2 min read
The Cyclops (Κυκλωπες)
Translations: Orb-Eyed One Eyed Monsters These immortal monsters are usually depicted and described with one eye, however they are...
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