Translation: Query
Titan of asking Questions
Coeus is the pillar of the north, who held one of Uranus arms, as he helped Kronus castrate their father Uranus. He is the Titan of asking questions, curiosity, and queries. He was the husband of his sister Phoebe, and their grandson was Apollo, who took over the role of the Oracle Delphi.
Family; Coeus' parents are Gaia and Uranus. Her siblings include, The Cyclopes, The Gigantes, The Hecatoncheires, The Erinyes, The Meliae, and the other titans such as, Crius, Kronus, Tethys, Themis, Hyperion, Herus, Oceanus, Mnemosyne, Rhea, Iapetus, Phoebe, and Atlas. He married his sister Phoebe, with whom he had two daughters Leto and Asteria, then their grandchildren are Artemis, Apollo.

Tributes; Coeus has the symbol of the north pillar, and in so the main pillar of direction.