Translation; He who Goes Above
Heavenly Light who Watches from Above
Hyperion is one of the brother Titans and the father of the lights of heaven, Eos (Dawn), Helios (Sun), Selene (Moon). All of them are mothers by his wife Theia (Blue of the sky). Hyperion was one of the four brothers who helped Kronus with dethroning their father, he was positioned at the east pillar, and held one of Uranus' arms. Usually described as fit and strong, while keeping a confident and calm aura around him. He was one of the titans who were locked in Tartarus with his other siblings by Zeus after the war, but is released later on the clemency of Zeus, and was help to be a bearer of the heavens, and a root of keeping the earth, sea and sky where its meant to.
Family; Hyperion's parents are Gaia and Uranus. His wife is Theia who birthed his three children Eos (Dawn), Helios (Sun), and Selene (Moon). Along with his siblings The Cyclopes, The Gigantes, The Hecatoncheires, The Erinyes, The Meliae, and the other titans such as, Crius, Kronus, Tethys, Themis, Oceanus, Herus, Rhea, Creus, Iapetus, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Atlas.

Tributes; Symbols of Hyperion include light, the heavens and prying eyes.