Translation: Hundred-Handed
The Great Hundred Handed Monsters
The Hecatonchires were giant monsters, who had one hundred hands and fifty heads. They were sons of Gaia and Uranus. There were three in total, each was assigned a destructive element to rule over by their mother, one was earthquakes, another was Tornados and the last was huge tidal waves. Once born they were immediately locked away in Tartarus with their brothers The Cyclopes. After they helped in the war, they were freed from their fathers imprisonment by the nephew Zeus and officially appointed wardens of Tartarus prison. They were brought and strong, but otherwise peaceful creatures and were often left to their own devices.
Family; the parents of the Hecatoncheires are Gaia and Uranos. While their siblings include The Cyclopes, The Gigantes, The Erinyes, The Meliae, and The Titans.

Tributes; The Hecatonchires represent their three natural forces such as earthquakes, tornadoes and huge tidal waves.