Translation: Earth-Born
The Giants
The Gigantes were a tribe of giants born from Gaia. It's said that she got pregnant from when Cronos threw Uranus' balls across the thy and some of his sperm landed on her. They were often depicted and primal like humans, carrying spears and wearing clothes of animal skin, in warrior-like groups they would hunt and make home where-ever they went. The Gigantes were convinced by Gaia, in one of her many attempts to overthrow Zeus, to go to war with the Olympians. Being easily persuaded by their mother, they did just that. However, due to her rage, she yet again wasn't able to come up with a thorough plan, and just like Typhon, the Gigantes were defeated, and all were killed. Except one, who was tucked away in a tiny corner of the earth in the shape of a dung beetle by his mother Gaia, this last surviving Gigante was Aristaios.
There is a long list of many Gigantes such as;
Agasthenes; Dead. Agrios; Clubbed to Death. Aigaion; Slain by Artemis' arrow.
Alkyoneus; King of the Gigantes, died by arrow wound, bleed out across the border.
Aristaios; The only one to survive.
Astraios; Dead.
Azeios; Ancestor of Arkadian Kings.
Damysos; Swiftest gigante, slain in the war.
Emphytos; Dead.
Enkelados; Athena slayed him by crushing him with a mountain.
Enkelados; Slain by Apollon and Herakles by arrows in the eyes.
Ephialtes; Dead.
Euboios; Dead.
Euphorbos; Dead.
Eurymedon; King of the Gigantes, who led them to doom.
Eurytos; Killed by Dionysos, by tripling him on a pine-cone.
Hippolytus; Slain by Hermes sword.
Hyperbios; Dead.
Iapetos; Dead.
Khthonios; Dead.
Klytios; Killed by fire.
Koios; Dead.
Leon; Killed in war, skin turned into protective cloak.
Mimas: Slain by Hephaistos.
Mimon; Killed by Ares.
Molios; Lost in battle to Helios.
Mylinos; Killed by Zeus.
Olympos; Former foster-father of Zeus, turned on him and raised against the gods, Dead.
Otos; Dead.
Ouranion; Dead.
Pallas; Slain by Athena.
Pankrates; Dead.
Peloreus; A many armed Gigantie, Dead.
Periboia; Youngest Daughter of the King of Giganties.
Phoitios; Slain by Hera.
Polybotes; Killed by Posidon, when fleeing his battle with Poseidon, he was chased after and killed from behind.
Porphyrion; Attempted to rape Hera, Killed by Zeus.
Rhoikos; Dead.
Sykeus; Was turned into a Fig Tree to escape the wrath of Zeus by Gaia.
Theodamas; Dead.
Theomises; Dead.
Thoon; Clubbed to death by one of The Tates.
Thyphoeus; Slain by Dionysos.
Family; Their alleged father is Uranus, to be more specific Uranus' blood. Their mother is Gaia. Their siblings are each other, The Cyclopes, The Hecatoncheires, The Erinyes, The Meliae, and The Titans. They had many children with each other to create more generations of Giganties.

Tributes; There were many symbols for the gigantes' collectively and individually. Collectively they represented strength and earth, however they also were represented by weakness and uncoordinated.