Roman Name: Ops
Translation: Flow
Rhea is the Titaness of fertility, motherhood, pregnancy, and menstruation, her name 'Flow, is referring to the flow of menstrual blood, birth waters, and milk. When Rhea married her husband/brother Kronos, she became Queen of Heaven. She is the mother of Hades, Hera, Poseidon, Demiter, Hestia, and Zeus. She is one of the masterminds behind Kronuses demise, see on Gaias Page.
Rhea and Zeus;
Once Rhea has successfully smuggled Zeus out of the reaches of Kronus and replaces him with a rock, she gave him to the nymphs to raise him, she would visit him as often as she could.
"Zeus.!" Rhea whispered across the cave where baby Zeus was hiding. "Zeus.!" she tried again. "Mama? Mama!!" Zeus was excited to see his mum again, it had been months since her last visit. "Zeus! Oh my baby! How have you been? What new things do you have to show me?" Rhea asked excitedly, she knew she wouldn't be able to visit for a long time after this, so she tried to make it last. "Me and the nymphs are playing swords mama! And they're teaching me to read and write now! Isn't this fun?" Zeus was happy to show off to his mother, waving around his wooden sword in the air. 16 Years later.
"Zeus..!" Rhea asked the cold air in the cave, it had been 3 years since her last visit to her son. "Zeus are you here?!" Rhea hoped her son wasn't gone, or it would be a long time before she had the chance to visit again. "Mum? Is that you?" Zeus called from an unknown place in the cave, he had stopped trying to anticipate his mothers arrival many years ago, so this was a surprise. "Yes Zeus it's me!" Rhea called "Come to me my son!" Suddenly Rhea was picked up off the ground by two arms around her waist and spun around in a circle. "Mother!" Zeus was so happy to see her that he went in for a hug, and accidentally scaring his mother. "OH MY! Zeus you scared the life out of me!" Rhea yelped to her son, turning around to face him once he had put her down, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Look at you! You've grown so big!" Rhea looked at her son, who the last time she saw was still shorter than her human form. "Yes mum, I've grown. The nymphs said I've nearly finished by training in the art of swordsmanship and war. And I'm excellent at reading and writing now, surpassing even the nymphs." Zeus tried to impress his mother, hoping for her to be proud. "That's very impressive Zeus! My little boy is all grown up!" Rhea had tears in her eyes, most were from joy, seeing her son growing up was a miracle that her other children did not get to experience, but some was for sorrow, as her next visit she would have to tell him his real purpose and send him to war.
Family; Rhea's parents are Gaia and Cronus. She has sibling such as The Cyclopes, The Gigantes, The Hecatoncheires, The Erinyes, The Meliae, and the other titans such as, Crius, Kronus, Tethys, Themis, Hyperion, Herus, Oceanus, Creus, Iapetus, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Atlas. She married her brother Kronus and had 6 children including Hades, Poseidon, Hara, Hestia, Demter, and Zues.

Tributes; Rhea had many symbols such as the chariot, tambourine, crown, and cornucopia. Wither her symbolic animal and tree the lion and the silver fir.