Translation: River Ocean
River Okeanos
Oceanus is the titan of all the fresh waters of the world, this includes the Rivers, wells, springs and even rain clouds. These things are also represented in his children Potamoi, Oceanids, and Nephlai. He is shown on a Greek vase having bull-like horns and a tail that is in the form of the fish, and often had this fish tail instead of legs. What's surprising about this is that he is usually depicted to resemble people of Indian descent or Atlantic blood, with the features in both the eyes, nose, skin tone used, and he is also described with what appears to be dreadlocks underneath a helmet. His wife is Tethys, who was known as 'The Nurse' or 'Nourisher of the Earth' which would help him with his freshwater duties.
Family; Oceanus parents where Gaia and Uranus, with his siblings being The Cyclopes, The Gigantes, The Hecatoncheires, The Erinyes, The Meliae, and the other titans such as, Crius, Kronus, Tethys, Themis, Hyperion, Herus, Rhea, Creus, Iapetus, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Atlas.

Tributes; The symbols of Oceanus are the serpent and the ocean, along with his sacred animals the fish and the snake.