Translations: Orb-Eyed
One Eyed Monsters
These immortal monsters are usually depicted and described with one eye, however they are sometimes shown to have three eyes. These Cyclops are born from a union of Gaia and Uranus, however when they were born, they were immediately imprisoned and thrown into Tartarus by their father. They were released from their imprisonment by Zeus after the war against Kronos. These giants are incredibly strong, they created the lightning bolts that Zeus uses as his signature weapon, as a thank you for their release. They also created Poseidon's trident, and Hades' helm of invisibility. There were originally seven Cyclopes, however they created four sons between them, however those sons were slain by Apollo as revenge for his son Asklepios, who was killed by Zeus lightning-bolt.
Cyclops and during and after the War;
After the Cyclops were born, they were thrown into their prison in Tartarus by their father Uranus, they cried from beneath their mother Gaia (earth). They cried and cried with their siblings The Hecatoncheires. Their screams were so horrid it drew their own mother to tears with them.
When Zeus had finally grown up, he went to his imprisoned uncles, and claimed "I have a plan! I want to overthrow your cruel brother, but I won't be able to do it without you. I don't know anyone else as strong or capable as you to assist me. I will free you from your imprisonment and we shall all live happily. They all agreed, and they played a crucial part of the war, the reason that the Olympians could have an even fight against the Titans. To help, not only did they help in the actual fight but "Zeus! Gather your brothers! We have created these three weapons for you. For Hades, we have this helm of Invisibility. For Poseidon, we have created this masterpiece of a Trident. And Zeus! Our Lucky last! We have your greatest creation of all! THE LIGHTNING BOLT!!" They claimed in pride as the Cyclops gave their gifts to the young gods.
"My! Why thank you Cyclops, I am eternally grateful." Hades uttered, surprised by their kindness.
"What a magnificent weapon! I shall use this everyday!" Called out, Poseidon.
"You really have outdone yourselves Cyclops! I knew you would be a great asset to the war!" Yelled Zeus as he swung his lightning bolt around, testing his new weapon out.
Once the war was done, Zeus kept true to his word, and let the Cyclops remain free, and so they followed their passionate line of work, they followed the great god of black smiting Hephaestus, and they helped him in his forge.
Family; The Cyclops were born from Gaia and Uranus. They had many siblings such as The Hecatoncheires, The Gigantes, The Erinyes, The Meliae, and The Titans. The first seven Cyclops did have sons, the Four young Cyclopes of the second generation.

Tributes; The symbols used for the Cyclops are things like the sun and solar power, to represent their brute force, strength, power and size.