Roman Name: Saturnus
Translation: Time
King of the Titans
Kronus was the king of the Titans, the second generation of gods. He was the god of destructive and menacing time, an old never ending force who hunted all. He became king after creating his father Uranus, and then Married his sister Rhea, this time is referred to as 'The Golden Age', on order of Kronus' opinion. He feared the prophecy of the Moirai, of being dethroned by his own children, he decided the best possible solution was to eat his children, so they could never grow up to fulfill their prophecy. He was also known to be quite paranoid, not wanting what happened to his father to happen to him, he was incredibly controlling of those he ruled over. Especially his wife and other siblings, who now had regular inspections to make sure they weren't plotting plans to overthrow him and were doing their jobs properly.
Kronus and the Prophecy;
"My son!" Called Gaia as she searched for Kronus, who was talking (flirting) with Rhea. "My son! There you are!" Gaia had finally caught up, "Yes Mother? What do you need?" Smiled Kronus, they had defeated his father just days before and he was enjoying his new found power and title as king. "My son, you must go to The Moirai! Each king gets a prophecy and you get yours today. Hurry you can't be late!" Gaia reminded her son. "Right! I forgot! Thank you Mother, Bye Rhea!" Kronus rushed to the Moirai after kissing his new wife goodbye.
"Moirai? I am here, and I am ready for my Prophecy." Kronus claimed once he reached the Moirai.
"Are you sure you're ready to hear what we have to do today?" Questioned Klotho
"You may not like it." Stated Lakhesis
"Knowing the future, is not always the right path, it may lead you down a dark tunnel" Explained Atropos
"What are you three babbling about? Crazy witches. Just give me my prophecy so I may get on with my day. NOW!" Kronos demanded
"Allright." Lakhesis
"You asked for this." Klotho
"Don't say we didn't warn you." Atropos
Kronous rolled his eyes, he didn't listen to the Moirai warnings, how bad could it be? He wasn't his father, and he would never be. He would be better than him and he knew it.
"We see in your future, that you will grow cold" Lakhesis
"Your own children, will rise against you, just as you did your own father" Atropos
"Your support will be minimal, your own siblings will turn, and you will be dethroned. Just as your father has." Klotho
"WHAT? You're lying! This can't be true! I am good to my siblings, they would never turn on me! I am nothing like my father, my children will have no reason to dethrone me. I am the best king this world has ever seen!" Kronous yelled, he was angry, and confused. He knew they were wrong, he wouldn't let this come true, no matter what.
Once he returned home, he was asked by Rhea and Gaia what his fate was, but he didn't respond. Kronus locked himself away for 3 days before returning. He told only Rhea and Gaia what the Moirai had said, he didn't want the others getting ideas. Kronus started paying closer attention to those around him, and banished the Cyclops and Hecatoncheires back to Tartarus, as they were the most likely to turn on him. Once he found out that Rhea was pregnant, he did not celebrate as she did. He was fearful and angry. It was only a few weeks after the birth that he decided. "Rhea! Come Here! Bring the girl." Kronous called for his wife. "Yes Kronus dear? I brought Hestia, just as you asked. You haven't spent much time with her. She misses you." Rhea said calmly as she held little Hestia in her arms. "Give me the child Rhea." Kronous orders. "Okay, Here you go baby, off to daddy. Isn't she cute?" Asked Rhea, thinking all was well. They didn't have to worry about the Moirai until later, right now they could just enjoy their little family. Kronus took the child, and looked at her for a second. Before he lifted his hand over his mouth, and dropped Hestia inside, swallowing her whole. "HESTIA! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? KRONUS WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! SPIT HER OUT! NOW!" Rhea cried in shock and horror of her beloved child being eaten hole from her husband. "I'm sorry Rhea. It had to be done. She would have tried to kill me." "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO EAT HER!" Rhea cried, attempting to hit her husband, but missing. "Yes. I. Did. Now GO!" Kronus ordered a rhea lift in tears. This repeated a further 5 times, and Rhea couldn't take it any more. "Mother? Are you there?" Cried Rhea in the night, she was pregnant again and couldn't bear the thought of this child's fate. "Yes child I am here" Gaia called to her daughter. "Its Kronus! He eats his children. He's become cold, and distant. He's mean and controlling, all of the siblings are scared of him.” Rhea broke down in tears. Although she was angry she could hold herself together. "I know child, And I have a plan." Gaia responded. "What is it mother? I'm ready for anything." Rhea was determined to give this child a full life. "This is what we'll do. Well exaggerate you giving birth, to draw the attention of Kronus. And like the pig he is, he will come running to eat the child right after birth. But he'll be too late. We'll give the baby to a Nymph, she will take him far away and raise him. Instead, we'll give your husband a rock wrapped in baby clothes. Then when your baby is ready. He will free his siblings and dethrone his father." Gaia explained her plan, she had been thinking of this for a while. And so their plan was sent into place and went on without any bumps. Rhea made sure she wasn't followed when she visited her son, which she did early to not risk his safety. And once he was grown, he followed the training he had been given.
Read how Zeus freed his siblings and defeated his father on his page.
Family; Cronous mother and father were Gaia and Uranus. He married Rhea his sister and has many other siblings like The Cyclopes, The Gigantes, The Hecatoncheires, The Erinyes, The Meliae, and the other titans such as, Themis, Cirus, Hyperion, Tethys, Oceanus, Herus, Helios, Selene, Rhea, Themis, Iapetus, Mnemosyne, Creus, Phoebe, and Atlas. His children included Zeus, Hera, Hades, Dimeter, Hestia and Poseidon.

Tributes; Symbols of Kronus include a Harp, Scythe, Sickle. He has his own day which is Saturday. Kronus is associated with the animal Snake.