Translation: Terrible
Snake-Haired Women
The three gorgons are considered incredibly powerful monsters, their names are Sthenno, Euryale, and the only one who was originally moral, Medusa. They are described as women with hair of snakes, long fangs on their teeth, large wings and long snake like tongues. It's unknown whether they had human body's, or the top half of a woman and the bottom half of a snake, but both are used as art expressions of today. Described as terrifying creatures, who could turn anyone who looked them in the eye to stone. Even though Medusa was moral unlike her immortal sisters, was the most powerful of them all, said to of had larger wings, and more deathly stare. Her older sisters rejoiced when she was able to return home from the moral realm, they taught her how to use her new powers and how to defend herself and the way around life as a gorgon.
The gorgons play a role in medusa's origin story, as she gains her new form.
The Gorgons, Medusa and the Grief.
The Gorgons were going about their day, when as usual some 'brave hero' broke into their home to 'slay the beast'. When Sthenno and Euryale heard the battle going on, known medusa was trained well and could handle her own as she had done many others, they left her to her own. Listening out for her cry for help, but it never came as usual, she always wanted to be independent.
Until, they heard the most horrible noise they could ever overhear, the sound of a horrified scream and the sound of a sword slicing through flesh. But this was no scream of man, this was Medusa's scream. They both rushed as fast as they could to her aid, hoping for the best outcome that she was only frighten.
But when they got there, they almost burst to tears, as they saw a young "hero" smiling as he held their sisters head by the hair in the air. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" cried Sthenno, "Medusa!!" Euryale wailed.
Seeing the blood drip from their little sister's head, her body lay lifeless on the floor, they hesitated in shock, before they heard the 'Hero' shout "THERE'S MORE! RUN!!" He commanded his friends.
That caught their attention, and in a fit of rage, they wanted to avenge their sister by killing the true monster, the boy who was before them who slayed an innocent creature. "Kill Him!" Euryale shrieked to no-one in particular.
They both chased after him and his friends, they chased until they completely lost them, they got close many times but never were able to catch them.
They returned home mournful for their little sister. Sthenno cried as she saw the dried blood and cold headless body of Medusa. They gave her a proper burial and said a final goodbye with tears in their eyes. They couldn't stand the sight of the murder scene so they both pushed though the pain to clean up the blood. Washing their tears in with the water they were using.
The gorgons spend the rest of their days carrying the grief of their baby sister.
Family; All three Gorgons are daughters of Phorkys and Ceto, but medusa was born mortal and sent to the moral realm to live out her life there, before being reunited with her sisters once turned. They all never married nor had children.

Tributes; The most used symbol to represent the gorgons is the capitated head of medusa, cruel as it is. Along with the symbolic animal of a snake.