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Typhon (Τυφωευς)

Translation: Hurricane

Storm Giant

Typhon was a monster, son of Tartarus. He was a giant and a monster of a storm, poets described him as a volcano giant, with giant wings, with a men's torso, snakes for legs, snake heads for fingers, a matted beard, pointed ears, bright fiery eyes, some people even say he had up to fifty hands. It's said that his mother Gaia was so upset that Zeus imprisoned her innocent children after the war that she asked Tartarus and their collective son to help her take back the thrown from Zeus, but in her fit of rage she didn't put together a very thought through plan, and instead rushes into a fight. Which ultimately got Typhon locked away in Tartarus forever on the crime of treason.

Family; Typhone's mother and father are Gaia and Tartarus. Neither had any other full siblings but both of his parents had many other offspring. Typhon did however have children of his own, this included Cerberus, The Lernean, The Hydra and The Chimera.

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