Transaction: Entwiner
Seductive Killers of Sailor Men
The sirens are as we know them in modern days, they are three sea-nymphs who lured sailors to their doom to drown at sea. However they used to be ladies waiting for Persephone, before she became queen of the underworld. The reason they have bird body's is because when Persephone was first taken to the underworld and her mother Demeter searched desperately for her, she turned these water nymphs into birds with women heads to aid in the search. After the search was given up, they settled on an island by the sea, to live together.
Family; The sirens are some of the many children of both Ceto and Phorcys. They don't have any children nor husbands of their own.

Tributes; Animal symbols of the Sirens are large birds, like the ones they were turned into. And metaphorical symbols are temptation and desire.