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Eris (Ερις)

Roman Name: Discordia

Translation: Strife


Eris is their personification of discord, strife, rivalry, competitiveness, and contention. Often she is seen flourishing on the bloody battlefield of men, overjoyed with the chaos that erupts under her influence. She is also very close friends with the war goddess Enyo (warlike).

Eris and the Golden Apple;

Eris was a particularly hard person to get along with, and overwhelmingly good at causing drama amongst the gods. So when Peleus and Thetis got married and invited all the Olympians, they purposely didn't invite Eris. Hurt by this act, Eris decided to show up anyway, but it turned away, "You're not welcome here Eris!" Zeus demanded. Eris obviously didn't like this response, so a plan she had made beforehand was put in place. "Oh really? Well, I just thought that you would have liked to know that the chronicles gave me This Golden Apple! And they said it was to be given to the most beautiful goddess." This caught the attention of many of the ladies from the wedding. "But opps! I forgot who they said that was! Let me think, was it Hera? Or Aphrodite? Or maybe it was Athena?! Eh, who knows, it was one of those three. Have Fun Figuring it out!!" She deceived, turning with a laugh, watching her chaos fizzle from a distance.

"Well it's Obviously me! She said my name first AND I am the queen of the gods" Hera commented picking up the apple.

"How dear you?! I am the most beautiful goddess! I am the God of Love, Lust and beauty after all!" Replied Aphrodite, taking the apple from Hera.

"HA! Both of you are wrong! I am the most beautiful, for I am not only young, and pure but also smart and good on the battlefield!" Athena declared, snatching the apple from Aphrodite. Then they all started to fight, yelling over each other. When they finally calmed down, they decided that they should get someone to choose.

The three goddesses' finally came to the conclusion that they should ask Prince Paris of Troy. So they approached the young man and explained the problem at hand.

"Ok, I'll help you. But, what can you do for me?" the cocky prince agreed.

"I'll give you power! All of Asia at your feet, the power of the gods at your side always." Hera promised.

"That's nothing! I'll give you wisdom beyond your greatest imagination, almost equal to my own, you'll never lose a battle, you won't need the gods at your side!" Athena offered confidently.

"You ladies really don't know men do you? This is almost pathetic." Aphrodite rolled her eyes. "Do you have something better?" Paris was greedy to know what could be better than god's power, and war winning knowledge. "Why yes young man," Aphrodite walked ever so much closer, almost in his face. "I'll be able to give you any girl in all of grease, to be your wife. The most beautiful woman, the woman of your dreams to instantly fall in love with you, with the snap of my fingers." Aphrodite smirked. Paris was shocked, but he should have guessed she would say something like that. So it didn't take long for him to make his choice, he gave the golden apple to Aphrodite and excitedly proclaimed "HELEN! I want Helen of Sparta as my wife!" And Aphrodite kept her promise, and without looking up from the apple that was now in her hands, she snapped her fingers. "She is yours, you may go claim her.". With that Hera and Athena left annoyed, Aphrodite left delighted, and Paris left with the intention to lay claim to his new wife.

Story continues on Helens page.

Family Ties; Eris' Mother and Father are Nyx and Erebus, with many siblings such as Aether, Hemera, Ker(es), Moros, Momus, Hypnos, Thanatos, The Oneiroi, Geras, Oizys, Nemesis, Philotes, Apate, The Moirai, and The Hesperides.

Tributes; Because of this story, Eris' symbol then became the Golden Apple of Discord, by far her favorite accomplishment. Causing fights between gods and man alike with almost no effort.


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