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Ker(s) (Κηρ/Κηρες)

Roman Name: Tenebrae

Translation: Death

Violent Death Spirit(s)

Ker was often either one person or a group of female spirits who are the personification of all types of violently dying, like dying in battle, by cruelty such as toucher, a form of murder, or a sickly disease. She (they) often worked alongside her (their) brother doom. However she (they) is mostly found wandering around battles, as that's where she (they) work the most. Because of this, the Ker(es) are mentioned and described in many accounts of battles, wars, betrayals and more in mythology.

Family Ties; Ker(es)’ Mother and Father are Nyx and Erebus, with many siblings such as Aether, Hemera, Moros, Thanatos, Hypnos, The Oneiroi, Momus, Geras, Oizys, Nemesis, Philotes, Apate, Eris, The Moirai, and The Hesperides.


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