Translation: Ceres
Goddess of Agriculture
Demeter is the goddess who maintained humans all year long with their harvest and good farmsteads. She is also the mother of her daughter Persephone, goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, wife of Deters brother Hades. Demeter is shown to be a hardworking middle aged woman with sun tanned skin, often holding a stock of wheat or a torch, while wearing a crown or playing the role of a shepherd.
Demeter , Persephone, and Hades;
"Persephone! Come child we have work to do!" Demeter called for her precious daughter, she had tried to keep her away from the dramatics that were the rest of the gods and raise her to be humble and strong and of the moral realm by her mothers side. "Persephone? Come on we must go! Stop playing these games, where are you?" Laughed Deter as she continued her search. "DEMETER! PLEASE! HELP!" Demeter heard a cry from the distance, it was one of her nymphs. In a panic she ran over to see what was wrong. But when she got there she saw 3 nymphs on the ground crying around a big black dead patch of grass on the ground. They ran to her side when they saw her, all talking over each other to tell their story. "Calm yourselves! Now, one at a time, tell me what happened" Demeter had to keep her cool, although she was quite anxious. Her daughter surly should have heard their cries and come running, and what was this whole in the ground? She always took perfect care of her meadow. "It's Persephone!" Cried the first Nymph. "She was taken!" Cried the second one. "Persephone was taken?! By who?! Where did they go?! What did they say?!" Demeter was past her calm state, something had happened to her child. "We don't know what happened. One moment we were playing, the next the ground below her opened up, and she fell. Then the whole thing disappeared!" The last nymph explained through sloppy tears and runny nose. Demeter's whole world shut down before her, she was filled with so many emotions at the same time, anger, sadness, morning, worry, fear. It took her less than an hour to finish getting ready to search for her daughter, she stopped her duties right in her tracks. First stop was Zeus, even though he said he didn't know anything, she was suspicious. She turned the sirens into birds to help her on her search, but even they got tired after the first year. It wasn't until the humans were almost at an extinction due to lack of food, from her neglect. That Zeus stepped in, pleading with her to go back to the moral realm. But she refused, eventually she came to the sun god Helios and demanded to know what he saw. When he revealed that it was Hades who took her, and Zeus had promised Persephone's hand in marriage, she was outraged. Demeter demands a meeting to get her daughter back, but because Zeus had already said that Hades would marry her. He made up a rule, that because Persephone had eaten half a fruit from the underworld, that for half the year she must remain there. Demeter fought for years to get her daughter back full time, but never succeeded. Thus the seasons came along. When Persephone returns Spring is here, as Demeter makes everything come alive, then summer comes where she worked hard as much as she can by her daughters side, but Persephone must leave, and Demeter starts to neglect her duties in her pain of being separated from her daughter, and by the time winder comes, Demeter has fallen into deep depression from missing her daughter and neglects her duties entirely.
Family; Demeter's parents are Rhea and Kronus. Her siblings include the other 5 Olympians Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Hestia and Hades. She had one child with her brother Zeus, Persephone, goddess of spring, queen of the underworld.

Tributes; Demeter had many symbols of her own including Wheat-ears; Winged-serpent; Cornucopia. And plants such as, Wheat; Barley; Mint; and Poppys. Her sacred animals include the Serpent; Pig or Swine; and the Spotted-Lizard or Gecko.