Translation: “Zeus-limp”
Roman name: Bacchus
God of Winemaking and Maddening Festivity
Dionysus is described as two very different depictions, the first is of an old bearded and perverted man, the other is of an young perverted and energetic man with long hair. He is the god of the grape-harvest, winemaking, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivity, and theater. Dionysus' mother, Semele, was killed by seeing Zeus, his father, in his true form due to one of Hera's revenges. Her body deteriorated and Zeus recovered Dionysus and sewed him to his thigh and carried him to term. Hera, still mad about the child's recovery, sent the Titans to kill him. The Titans succeeded and literally pulled the child apart, but he was rescued by his grandmother Rhea, with whom Zeus organized his protection and to be raided by the mountain nymphs. After Dionysus was strong, he went into the gardens and florists of the world and started many cults following in his festivity madness.
Family; Dionysus Parents are Zeus and Semele. His Siblings include the many other children that Zeus had including Hermes, Athena, Eunomia, Irene, Dike, The Meuses, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Orion, Perseus, and Minos. Dionysus married Ariadne, but had many children with all sorts of people such as these few; Priapus, Hymen, Thoas, Staphylus, Oenopion, Comus, Phthonus, the Graces, and Deianira.

Tributes; Dionysus' main symbol was his pine cone staff, the Thyrsus. But he also had symbolic plants and animals such as, Grapevine, ivy, bindweed, Panther, bull, and serpent.