Translation: Venus
Goddess of Love and Beauty
Aphrodite is the Goddess of love and beauty along with pleasure and procreation. She is well known to be the most beautiful woman in all creation, often accompanied by her son the Winged god Eros, named after the primordial god Eros. He is technology a Titaness, as she is the offspring from Uranus sperm falling onto Gaia in the seas, in which created seafoam in which she was born. However she never showed herself until after the Titan war, this is why she is considered as a part of the second generation of Olympians instead of as a Titaness. She is often described to be a jealous and drama loving goddess, with long flowy hair and small frame.
Aphrodite, Ares and Hephaestus;
Aphrodite had been having an affair with Ares who she truly loved, even before she was sent to marry Hephaestus. Because of this she would often elope with him, even in her and Hephaestus' bed. Hephaestus knew of this and wanted to humiliate his wife and Ares in front of everyone, and so he created a net, made of unbreakable chains, even the gods can’t break. Hephaestus invited all of Olympus to his home, unknown to Ares and Aphrodite. The two where in the middle of sex when the chain that was hidden above the bed, suddenly dropped on the two. As the two were confused about what happened and what they were doing, Hephaestus heard the drop and asked everyone to go to his bedroom. Where he exposed his Wife and Ares in the middle of their shenanigans to the rest of Olympian, successfully humiliating the two.
Family; Aphrodite’s parents are Gaia and the sperm of Uranus. Her siblings' technology include the Titans, Cyclopes, Gigantes, Hecateries, and Entries. She married Hephaestus but was in love with Ares, although she had many lovers. Her children include many such as Eros (her favorite), Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Anteros, Himeros, Hermaphroditus, Eryx, Peitho, The Graces, Priapus and Aeneas.

Tributes; Her attributes included a dove, apple, scallop shell and mirror. She was sacrificed to the Myrtle-tree and Myrrh-bush as it was the plant where her beloved Adonis was born. In classical sculpture and fresco she was usually depicted nude.