Translation: Beauty
The Charities of Beauty
Collectively they are the charities, who symbolize youth, beauty, grase, play, amusement, banqueting, floral decoration, happiness, rest, relaxation, praise, glory, prosperity, and friendliness.
Euthenia (Ευφημη)
Not much is known about Euthenia, other than she is The Charity of Praise, and her opposite is Penia (Poverty).
Eukleia (Ευκλεια)
Eukleia is the Charity of Glory, and she is painted on a Greek vase next to Aphrodite. Eukleia did also have her own temple in Makedonia, Aigia.
Euthenia (Ευθηνια)
Euthenia is known as the Charity of Prosperity, again not much is known about her but her opposite, Penia (Poverty).
Philophrosyne (Φιλοφροσύνη)
Again not much is known about Philophrosyne, except for her being the Charity of Friendliness and her opposite being, yet again, Penia (Poverty).
Karites (Χαριτες)
Karites is the youngest of the Charities who was the Charity of Grace. For being the youngest, she is the most well known and the Charities are all often mistaken as her, and to be one person all together. As the most well known she is viewed as all of those things previously mentioned, and to be the wife of Hephaestus.
Pasithea (Πασιθεα)
She is almost unknown, and is never usually mentioned as a Charity, as she's the lesser known Charity of Rest and Relaxation. She is also the wife of Hypnos, god of sleep.
Family; The parents of The Charities are Zeus and Eurynome. As courtesy of Zeus, they have many many siblings, but no known children of their own.

Tributes; There are many symbols for The Charities such as beauty, art, and joy. But also things like fertility, youth and creativity.