Translation: destroyer
Roman Name: Phoebus
God of Prophecy, Music and Archery
Apollo is the god of Prophecy and oracles, music, songs and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease and protection of the young and more. Apollo is often described as Zeus’ successor, although he had never actually dethroned Zeus, he sometimes takes the role of ‘Prince’. Apollo is also described as a Handsome and beardless young man with long hair, mid 20s in human years. Along with a wreath, bow and arrow, and a lyre.
Family; Apollos parents are Zeus and Leto. His sister and twin are Artemis, and his other half siblings include the hundreds of children of Zeus. While Apollo did fall in love with Daphne, he had many affairs with many people and married Marpessa. His children also include Asclepius, Troilus, Aristaeus, Orpheus, Korybantes.

Tributes; Apollo has a lot of symbols like the lyre, laurel wreath, python, raven, swan, bow and arrows. The Greeks sacrificed many birds to Apollo like the Hawk, Raven and Swans.