Roman Name: Pluto
Translation: The Unseen
King of The Underworld and God of the Dead
Hades is the king of the underworld and the god of the dead, he watches over funerals, burials and rituals for the dead. He is also the god of the hidden wealth under the earth, from gold and other materials, to fertile soil and seeds. Hades was one of the five siblings to be eaten right after birth by kronos. To later be freed by Zeus and to go on in the battle of Titans vs Olympians. Once they won this battle the brothers drew straws for the lands, Zeus got the sky's, Poseidon got the seas and Hades got the Underworld. Hades is described to be a regal man with a dark beard, tall with thick hair, not particularly muscly but neither fat nor skinny. Just as there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to how Hades got his wife Persephone. The first story says that he demanded Zeus give one of his daughters as a bride to him and then kidnaped and forcefully wed Persephone. The second story is one more love, that hades and Persephone fell in love after becoming friends, marrying each other willingly.
Hades and Persephone (Loving version);
Hades remained hidden in the shade of a tree, waiting patiently. “Hades?” A faint whisper yell called into the air. “I'm here my love.” Hades called back. “Hades!” Persephone was happy to see her love.
The two had been meeting in secret for a couple of years now, when Persephone had seen hades down by the river she was frightened, the horrible God of Dead Things, her mother always talked about the other gods in such a hostile tone. But Hades had a kind smile on his face as he moved his hands across the water. “I know you're young one. I'm not as frightening as they say. You're ok.” Hades had spoken so softly, sensing the others' presence without turning around. Persephone needed to fill the water jug, the reason she came to the lake in the first place, and so with careful and slow steps she approached. “What is your name? You are clearly not a nymph, a goddess I would guess but I have never seen you.” Hades asked, finally turning to the girl. “M-my name is Persephone. You are right to guess, I am a goddess. Daughter of Demeter and Goddess of Spring.” Persephone responded. “And you are the Evil Hades. The Cruel God of the Dead who shows no mercy, I know you. Why are you here?” Persephone interrogated her unknown uncle. “Cruel? Merciless? My child you do not know me if that is your perception.” Hades couldn’t tell if he wanted to laugh at the lies Demeter had fed this child or feel sorrowful at the harshly judging words.
And here they are, years later, as they grew to know each other and explore their differences. Persephone knew that Hades was no monster who hated everything, but a kind and generous soul. Hades had learned that Persephone is not a gentle and fragile little girl, she was quite good at holding her own and had a wicked sense of sarcasm, authority and humor. Something he never would have expected from the small goddess of spring. “Hades?” Persephone got his attention as they laid in the shade of the lone tree. “Yes my lady?” Hades mumbled slowly, enjoying the random spots of sunshine through the leaves. “Show me the underworld.” Persephone said, ever so quietly, you probably wouldn't have heard her. But Hades did “WHAT?!” He sat up with a jerk and looked to her who was slowly sitting up as well. “You always talk about its beauty and how you love your people, I know it's dangerous but I wanna see your realm.” Persephone continued. “Persephone, I appreciate the gesture, I really do! But as you just said it's incredibly dangerous, I talk of its beauty because no one else does, but I am not in danger because I am their king. You, my dear, I'm afraid of what might happen.” Hades was resistant to the idea. “Hades, you know I'm not fragile, and you've seen me hold my own before, I can take whatever the underworld has to throw at me.” Persephone argued. “Ok, ok love. Let me think about it ok? You should be getting back anyways, it's been 3 hours” Hades didn’t want to argue over such a superficial thing. Once he returned to his kingdom, he thought of how he could show his kingdom to her without getting her hurt. And thus he planned. (Check Persephone's page for the second half)
Family; Hades mother and father are Kronus and Rhea. His siblings are the other olympians Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Hestia and Demter. His wife is Persephone with whom he has a daughter Macaria and a son Melionë.

Tributes; Hades has many Symbols such as the Cornucopia, Cypress, Narcissus, keys, serpent, mint plant, white poplar, dog, pomegranate, sheep, cattle, screech owl, horse, and the chariot. He was often sacrificed black animals such as sheep dropped into a pit for him to reach. After the Greeks banged their hands on the ground to make sure that he could hear them.