Translation: Jupiter
Heavenly King of the Gods
Zeus is the king of the gods, as he is the ruling successor of Kronus. Zeus is the god of the sky, but also the god of the weather, law and order, destiny and fate, along with kingship. This king of kings is known for his famous lightning bolt which he uses as both a weapon and a tool of the weather, big storms were often seen as Zeus’ tantrum. Zeus in many stories is known to seep around and to be a corrupt and unjust king despite him being the god of kingship. He is described as a middle aged man with mature features, such as strong limbs and a dark beard. Zeus is married to his sister Hera, with whom he has had many children. However, because of Zeus' love of sleeping around, he has many other children with other gods, mortals, nymphs, and even animals.
Zeus and the Titan War;
Because of his sibling's second birth, being cut from their father who ate them, Zeus who was originally the youngest, was now the oldest. Being freed from their imprisonment the Olympian children had no problem following their one older brother as he set out a plan to gain supremacy over their father and gain control themselves. Zeus first, gained his allies in the war by befriending and freeing the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires. Going into Tartarus himself, he was said to be gentle, kind and speak of passion when he told them his plan to overthrow their brother. Seeing this, the Cyclopes, the Heatoncheires and the Olympians fell even more passionate and in awe of their new leader. As they planned their new rebellion, they tried to gain the help of their other aunts and uncles, the titans, but were turned away with much violence. Left to their own devices though, the Olympians were able to come up with a master plan to overthrow the Titan race. No one quite knows what went on during this battle and much of mankind was wiped out during the fight. But it's said to have been epic, the most elaborate, thorough, and impressive battle earth has ever seen. Once the battle was won, Zeus imprisoned the Titans in Tartarus, and gave the cyclopes the tidal of Tartarus guards, as he knew they knew of the ins and outs of the entire place. However, over time, (on thought of Gaia’s failed revenges), Zeus let the Titans out one by one, but only if they pledged their allegiance to him and him alone. They were stripped of any titles and were given new smaller things to rule over. Kronos however, was never to be released.
Zeus’ marriage to Hera; (tw Rape)
After the Titan War, Zeus became obsessed with his sister Hera. Who he attempted to court many times. “Hera! There you are! I’ve been looking for you” Zeus smiled kindly, pulling flowers from behind his back “A beauty for a beauty?” He offered it to Hera. “Why thank you Zeus.” Hera took the flowers to be kind to the champion, however she was realizing that he wasn't getting the hint. She didn’t love him like that, if anything she either wanted space after such a traumatic start to her life, or to continue the growing friendship / relationship she wanted to pursue with Hades. Zeus couldn’t stand the thought of his sister being in love with someone else, and so, he tricked Hades into banishment by making him the king of the Underworld. In hopes to distance the two, however, even with these efforts, Hera still did not want him as her groom. And so Zeus conducted a plan that would force her to be otherwise. Turning into a peacock, Hera's favorite bird and symbolic animal, pretended to be wounded. “Harr harr harr” Zeus called, mimicking the sound of the peacock. Hera was intrigued hearing the sound and came over, to see this wounded peacock. “Why hello! oH my, you're hurt! You poor thing.” Hera exclaimed. “Come here, it's ok, I've got you. That's it, gentle, gentle.” Hera called to the peacock as she picked it up and carried it back to where she was staying. “Let me see what I’ve got yeah? Stay here, I'll be right back.” Hera told the peacock as she ran to the other room to get some supplies to fix the wound. “HAHAHAHAHA! She's so gullible! Awwww little peacock all alone?” Zeus laughed to himself, slightly in shock at how easy this was. But immediately went quiet and pretended to cry when Hera returned. “Here we go sweaty, I have some bandages, let me get you all cleaned up.” And so Hera spent the majority of the next hour tending this what she thought was a helpless bird. After he was finished “There we go! All better, mwha!” Hera gave the wound a kiss. “You must be cold? Poor thing, I don’t have a fire going, but you can stay with me until you're better.” Hera held the peacock to her chest and cradled it for comfort. It took Hera 20 minutes to get comfortable, betting the bid in her arms and slowly humming. “Shhhh Shhhh” Hera softly called to the bird. But Zeus on the other hand was getting bored, he had enjoyed the unknowing embrace to her chest at first but it had been a while and now he wanted something more. Just as Hera was starting to fall asleep, Zeus transformed from Peacock to his godly form, as birds don't wear clothes, he was naked besides the little bandage on his leg from Hera. “Morning Beautiful!” Zeus called to the frozen Hera below him. “ZEUS?! What -?! Where's the peac-?! That was -?! Why?!” Hera started many sentences all at once being shocked and confused, before she could process what was happening. Zeus kissed her, “NO!! Zeus what are you doing?! Get off of me!” Hera cried, but Zeus didn’t listen, only responding with small remarks about how he longed for her, and how they were meant for each other. And so Zeus proceeded to go further and rape Hera who was below him, as he would so many in the future. Once he was finished, Hera laid still, tear stained face emotionless. “Oh don’t cry you big baby. Admit it! You enjoyed that! You know I'm good at what I do.” Zeus smirked. But at his comment Hera couldn’t help herself, he burst into tears, hitting Zeus with her hands weakly from exhaustion. “Zeus! Why would you do such a horrible thing to me?! You're my brother! You promised to protect us! Not this! What will the others think?! What happens now?! What about Hades?!” Hera continued to ramble on. “But Zeus stopped listening after he heard his brother's voice. “HERA!” He yelled, stopping her rambles in their tracks. “I didn’t do anything horrid to you, this is all a part of the courting process. Now we will wed, because you don’t want the others to think you just sleep around right? And forget about hades, if i ever hear his name from you again. You'll be sorry” Zeus threatened, while gaslighting her into marrying him for her to maintain her image. And so they wed, and Hera never mentioned Hades in a romantic way to Zeus again.
Family; Zeus’ parents are Kronus and Rhea. His siblings include the original Olympians, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Demeter, and Hestia. Zeus has many children both divine and mortal. Most recognized people include Ares, Hebe, Eileithyia and Hephaestus to Hera. Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Athena, and Persephone to many other gods. Along with many mortal children such as Minos, Orion, Hercules, Perseus, Helen of Troy and many more to mortals.

Tributes; Zeus has many symbols such as his lightning bolts, the eagles, his famous royal scepter, the bull, the oak tree, and olive trees. The oxen was one of the main things that the high priests sacrificed to the god Zeus; mostly the bones of the animal wrapped in fat were placed on the altar and burned.