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1 min read
Moros (Μορος)
Roman Name: Fatum Translation: Doom Destined Death Working alongside his siblings Ker (Violent Death) and Thanatos (Gentle Death) to...

1 min read
Thaumas (Θαυμας)
Translation: Wonder Sea Miracle Thalamus is the god of the positive sides of the sea, its wonders, beauty and miracles. His name quite...

1 min read
Nereus (Νηρευς)
Translation: Wet One Fish Bounty Nereus is the god of fish from the sea, and in so, he seemed to resemble them. Having a long fish tale....

1 min read
Eurybia (Ευρυβια)
Translation: Wide-Force Master of The Sea Eurybia is a goddess of power, and specifically the power of water and sea. She had control...

1 min read
Phorcys (Φορκυς)
Translation: Of the Sea Hidden Dangers of the Deep Phorcys was the god of the deep deep sea, and the treacherousness of it. Not much is...

1 min read
Ceto (Κητω)
Translation: Sea Monster Goddess of Sea Monsters Ceto is a goddess of sea-monsters, whales and large sharks. All of which are great in...

1 min read
Nesoi (Νησοι)
Translation: Island The Deities of Each Island The Nesoi are the primordial goddesses of islands, like the Oures (Mountains), the Greeks...
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