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Thaumas (Θαυμας)

Translation: Wonder

Sea Miracle

Thalamus is the god of the positive sides of the sea, its wonders, beauty and miracles. His name quite literally translates to the Greek word for "Wonder". He has two daughters with his wife Elektra (Amber-tinged clouds), Harpyiai (whirlwinds) and Iris (Rainbow). Not much is known about him as he is never mentioned, other than as a reference to the beautiful sea, so he has close to no description.

Family Ties; Thaumas' mother is Gaia (Earth) and Pontus (Sea). He has a wife, Elektra. And many daughters like The Harpies and Iris. With many siblings such as Ceto, Phorcys, Nereus, and Eurybia.

Tributes; Thamas has no tributes.


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