Roman Name: Terra
Translation: Earth
Mother of Everything
Gaia is the first deity who all others materialized and were birthed by her. She is the embodiment of the earth, and viewed as being born in the form of a large disc, the planet. Not only is she the original and most powerful Fertility Goddess, along with also being an Agricultural Goddess.
The Birth of Gaia;
Gia came from Chaos (the name the Greeks gave to the nothingness that existed before all else) and from that Gaia formed from his existence. Being the first God in existence she bears all life and fertility inside her and created her sons/brothers Tartarus, the land below her as the embodiment of the underworld, Eros the embodiment of love, Erebus the embodiment of darkness, Nyx the embodiment of night, and the land that laid above her the embodiment of the sky. Thus she brought the first set of gods into the world, and they were called the Primordial.
Gaia and Her Role in Castrating Uranus;
Uranus was happy with his children/siblings the titans, however when he saw his other children the Cyclopes, Gigantes, and Hecatoncheires the monsters. So embarrassed by his sons, he imprisoned them in Tartarus underneath Gaia, and she had to listen to her children's cries, screams, and begs for their Mother to let them out.
Gaia mourned the banishment of her children as they cried, screamed, and begged for her to release them from their torment. She begged Uranus but he only became more aggressive, and she lost interest with laying with him, thus their love became cold as she would often just lay and cry as he used her body every night. But one night, she had had enough, so she made a plan to dethrone him, but she knew she couldn't do it alone.
Gaia spent days asking all of her children, the titans, if they would help her. They each turned their mother down, either too busy with their own responsibilities or too afraid to face their father. Until he came to her youngest son, Kronos. He wanted his fathers title and was willing to go along with his mothers plan, but he wanted one thing in return, Rhea, his sister's hand in marriage, and thus, the plot began.
Once they were ready and had convinced Kronos brothers Hyperion, Crius, Coeus, and Iapetus to help, the plan was set in motion, Gaia had created a synth for her son to wield, and so in the darkness of night when Uranus went to lay with Gaia, the 4 brothers who were stationed at 4 corners around Gaia, and on cue they grabbed Uranus and Kronos sprung from the bushes, and use the Synth to slice off his father balls and flung them across the sea where the Goddess Aphrodite, and his blood rains across the land creating the Furies, Giants and Ash-Tree Nymphs. Gaia and Kronos then freed the Titan brethren from Tartarus, and Kronos was able to take his fathers place on the throne, now his ruler as god of the sky and the King of the Gods, with his now wife Rhea at his side. However once he had reached the throne, he immediately put his brothers back into Tartarus, double crossing his own mother. Which angered her even further.
Family ties; Gia had no parents, as she materialized from Chaos. Gaia had One man husband, her son Uranus who fathered the Titans and many more. She has many children, as she is quite literally the monster of everything, these include Tartarus, Eros, Erebus, Uranus and Nyx, who she mothered by self impregnation. Then further mothers The Cyclopes, Gigantes, Hecatoncheires, Erinys, Meliae, Kronos, Cirus, Thema, Hyperion, Tethys, Oceanus, Nerus, Helios, Hemera, Selene, Rhea/Cybele, Themis, Iapetus, Mnemosyne, Coeus, Phoebe, Epimetheus, Prometheus, Atlas. Along with many other Sub-Titans.

Tributes; Her symbols include Fruit, Grain and the earth, along with the changing seasons.
Symbolic animals of Gaia include the serpent, bull, Pig and bees.
The Greeks sacrificed black sheep's to her, especially on green or earth day, as her and Demeter were often celebrated and worshiped together by people.
