Translation: Wielder of Missiles
Slayer of Monsters before the Time of Hercules
Bellerophon was the celebrated son of Poseidon and Eurynome. Even in his youth Bellerophon was able to capture the mighty winged horse Pegasus. Bellerophon however was accused of murder and banished from his home, he ended up at King Proitos court, where King Proitos wife, queen Stheneboea had fallen in lust for the young hero. When he turned her down, she complained to her husband and accused Bellerophon of assaulting her. He was then further sent to King Lobates in Lykia to be killed. But because he was able to slay the Chimera, he was set free. He went on to slay many more with the help of Pegasus that he now had.
Family; Bellerophon's parents are Posiden and Eurynome. He married Philonoe, with whom he had two sons, Isander and Hippolochus, and two daughters, Laodameia and Deidameia.

Tributes; Bellerophon is usually depicted with Pegasus and his spear.