Roman Name: Vesta
Translation: Hearth
Virgin Goddess of the Hearth
Hestia is the goddess of Hearth and home. She looked over family hearth which included the cooking and preparing of the meals for families, she was of the gifted flame given to men that was used in her cooking and the cooking of meat specifically. Thus it is known to sacrifice meat to her in her honor. She is described to be a modestly dressed woman in her early 30s by human standards, with wavy hair and brown eyes. She often had some form of wheat in her hands or other cooking ingredients. Hestia is also known to be a virgin goddess, as both Apollo and Poseidon where after her hand in marriage, she didn't want to and asked Zeus to let her stay a virgin goddess forever, thus being the first of her kind. She is also the Eldest of the siblings, being the first to be eaten however, she was also the last to be spat out.
Family; Hestia's Mother and Father are Rhea and Kronus. Her siblings include the other 5 Olympians such as Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, and Demter. He was never married and never had any of her own children.

Tributes; The Greeks often sacrificed meat to Hestia in her worship, however she was also symbolized through the hearth itself and fire. Her sacred animal is the Donkey.