Translation: Snatchers
Gusts of Wind
The Harpies were the spirits of the sharp, sudden gusts of wind that would pick up items and carry them away. They were also called the hounds of Zeus, this could be on the fact that they often fetched things from earth for him. They are sent to snatch up things for the gods from earth, this could be people, objects, offerings and many more possessions the gods take an interest in. They were often the blame for when people or objects suddenly disappeared or left. There described as winged women often with ugly faces
The Harpies are involved in a myth of Zeus, from when King Phineus betrayed the gods by revealing their secrets, so as punishment Zeus sent them down to swipe their food every time he sat down to eat. Leaving him with only scraps, the Harpies were happy though because they got to eat all the food they snatched, and were dining like kings while singing and dancing around their table.
Family; The mother and father of The Harpies are Thaumas and Elektra. Besides themselves, the Harpies also have a sister, Iris.

Tributes; The harpies are associated with wind and air, thus they have the symbol of both of those. Along with symbols of calm and graceful but destructive and chaotic.