Translation: Forethought
Giver of Fire
Prometheus and his brother were tasked with repopulating the earth with animals, fish, birds, and humans. Prometheus took on the role of creating Humans, as they were deemed needed the closest care and precision, so his brother Epimetheus took the rest. Prometheus spent an incredible amount of time creating the new humans, from how they looked to how they behaved. However, to spend so much time developing his masterpiece that Epimetheus had used all the materials given by Zeus, thus leaving mankind without any defense or attack mechanisms. Fearful for humanity's existence, he wished to provide his creation with something to help them, so Prometheus stole some of the fire from Olympus to give to the humans.
Prometheus, Fire, and the wrath of Zeus;
Just as Prometheus was finishing his prized creation, Man-Kind. But when he went out looking for the materials to help his humans protect themselves, he found that they were all gone, all the spikes, fangs, poison, claws, hard skin, wings, scales, even the shells were gone. His humans were left defenseless, even with the intelligence he gave them, it wasn’t enough to combat the harsh conditions they would be put in. But Prometheus had an idea, what if he gave his humans the power of the gods, fire! “Zeus! Zeus we need to talk!” Prometheus called once he had reached mount Olympus. “Yes Prometheus? What is it? Did you complete the task I assigned you? Is the mortal world populated?” Questioned Zeus. “Yes Zeus, the world has been populated. But I fear for the humans. They have no protective attributes to them, they're vulnerable!” Prometheus explained his dilemma to Zeus. “Vulnerable? What about the materials I gave you? I most certainly gave you enough for all the animals of the world.” Zeus was annoyed and confused. “Yes Zeus, but they were all used on the other animals you see. There was none left for the humans.” Prometheus confirmed. “Well, that's your own fault for not organizing better!” Zeus was annoyed even more, that he had been disturbed by their error of organization. “I was hoping that you would be able to help though.” Prometheus pushed. “Help Prometheus? I've given you everything already?! What else could I possibly do?” Zeus rolled his eyes, he had better things to do than this. “Well, I was hoping that the humans could be granted a little bit of the fire that is on mount Olympus?” Prometheus asked. “FIRE?! ARE YOU MAD?! Fire is of the gods! No man should have such a great and destructive weapon at their disposal! Do not ever bother me with such nonsense again, do you understand?” Zeus was angry as he dismissed Prometheus, but Prometheus was also angry. How could Zeus not want to protect the humans? They are made in the gods' image, so what if they have a little fire?! In that thought, Prometheus planned on how to smuggle fire down to his humans, and he put that plan into action. He was able to smoothly outsmart the Olympians and sneak past them to take the fire and successfully give them to the humans. He spent 2 days showing them how to use it. However, three days after he had left them to their own devices. Disaster struck, the humans had accidentally started many fires to the ground that were quickly spreading and eating the plantation near them. Thankfully Zeus was able to put out and confiscate the fire, but he was furious. “WHO HAVE THE HUMANS FIRE?! I SAID THEY WERE NOT TO HAVE FIRE! PROMETHEUS!!!!” Zeus called out. Prometheus was reprimanded, but he still didn’t see the problem with the matter. This is how humans learn, through trial and error, they were learning and fire would take them far. So Prometheus stole the fire again, and re-gifted it to the humans. But he failed to consider that Zeus would pay closer attention to the humans, and was able to know they had fired just hours later. However, he was too late. Humans had figured out how to make fire from scratch, so there was no getting rid of it this time. Instead, Zeus planned to give Prometheus a much more severe punishment. He had Prometheus chained to a mountainside, and be touched by a massive bird that would come everyday and eat his liver. Because he was a Titan, his liver would grow back just before the bid returned and the punishment would restart.
Family; Prometheus' parents are Iapetus and Clymene. His brother is Epimetheus. Prometheus is the father of Deucalion.

Tributes; For his efforts to bring fire to humans, Prometheus is worshiped though and symbolized by fire.