Translation: Spear-Brandishing
Father of Warcraft
Pallas is the titan god of warcraft and battle, a violent being. He was the father of Nike (Victory), Zelos (Rivalry), Kratos (Strength), and Bia (Power. All of them were birthed by Styx (Hatred). All of these children were allied with Zeus when the time came for the Titan war. Pallas was killed by Athena who created an aigis (a goat-hide arm-guard) from his skin.
Family; Parents of Pallas are Cirus and Eurybia, thus his siblings are Astraeus and Perses. He had many children with Styx, but it was never confirmed if they were married. These children are Nike, Zelos, Kratos, and Bia.
Tributes; There was no real cult of Pallas, although people did have small altars and prays in his mane for fortune when it came to battles.