Roman Name: Sol
Translation: Sun
God of the Sun
Helios is the Titan of the Sun, Guardian of Oaths, and God of Sight. He is siblings with Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn). He carries the sun across the day sky on a chariot, which has four winged steeds to carry the load. Once he tried to let his son try to carry the sun, who ended up crashing into the earth, setting fires, only stopped by Zeus' thunderbolt. He's often described as a handsome man in his mid 30's clothed in robes and a crown shining in the sunlight he carries.
Helios and Odysseus;
When the ship of Odysseus crashed on an island, they started to starve. Odysseus warned his men “Do not. Do not under any circumstance ear the cattle of Helios.". "But Odysseus, we are so hungry! There is nothing to eat and no way off the island, surely the lives of our men are worth more than those of the cattle." Claimed his men. "No. This is my final warning." Odysseus demanded.
"Odyssey doesn't know what he's talking about, we are starving, and with no help coming soon. Surely the gods will be sympathetic to a group of starving men, and what's two or three cows?" One man claimed in the night 6 days after being shipwrecked. So they planned to steal and eat the cattle, which they succeeded in feeding all the men. But when Odysseus found out "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! You have unleashed the wrath of the gods upon us you stupid men!".
Helios watched from above as the men ate his cattle, "How dear these mortal eat my cattle? The ones I have raised since birth?!" Helios was furious and took his complaints to Zeus immediately. "Zeus! The men ate my cattle, you must punish them or give me permission to do so myself." After much arguing Zeus' family agreed and sent a massive storm onto Odysseus and his men on the island. Killing all but Odysseus himself.
Family; Helios parents are Hyperion and Theia. His siblings are Eos, and Selene. Helios had many lovers such as Perse, Clymene, Rhode, Clytie, and Leucothoe. Helios has nine children, the Charities, Circe, Aeetes, Perses, Pasiphae, Heliadae, Electryone, Heliades, and Phaethon.

Tributes; Helios has many symbols but they are mostly the Chariot, the animal Horse, and the plants Heliotrope, the Sunflower, and the Frankincense.